What is Human Error Management?

Human error causes over 90% of data breaches. It’s reasonable to conclude that preventing human error is a crucial part of effective cybersecurity. Which raises the difficult question of how to stop your team from making mistakes. The field of law addresses human error by sternly admonishing humans to not make any errors, while IT fixes the error after the fact and begs humans not to do it again. Neither approach is productive.

Our approach is informed by process safety management techniques from high-risk, high-stress fields like aviation and medicine. These fields, where a single mistake could lead to an imminent loss of life, have no choice but to accept the fact that human error is inevitable. Rather than using the cudgel of blame to beat back potential mistakes, these fields design systems that will provide multiple layers of defense to ensure that a single error won’t have catastrophic consequences.

Our goal is to help your team comply with cybersecurity procedures by making them as easy to follow as possible. Additionally, we focus on second and third-tier harm mitigation strategies to make sure that, when human error occurs, your data stays safe.